Elegy of a Common Soldier and other poems

By Dennis B. Wilson

  • 126 poems by Normandy veteran Captain Dennis B. Wilson who holds the Legion D’honneur.
  • Written from the 1930s until early twenty first century.
  • The reflections of an ordinary soldier, of any nationality, temporarily withdrawn from the front line to an area of comparative peace, in any of the wars to which unwilling Mankind has been subjected by the ambitions, greed or stupidity of his rulers.
  • Featured on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme in 2012.
  • Poet Dennis Wilson is also a recipient of an Honorary Fellowship from the University of Southampton and has been a guest of honour at a Royal Reception on contemporary poetry at Buckingham Palace.

The Author

Dennis Wilson is a Nomandy veteran. He survived shrapnel wounds and left the Army as a Captain, to pursue a noteworthy career with Encyclopedia Britannica. He has written poetry all his life and lives in Southampton, where he extols the virtues of poems that rhyme and scan, and are easily understood. Elegy of a Common Soldier is his third volume of poems. His first, The Poetry of a Marriage, was published in 2008, and his second, Haughtyculture or The Gardening Muse, was published in 2011. Part of his life story was featured in a BBC television drama series Mrs Wilson starring his niece Ruth Wilson.

Features & Details

Primary Category: Poetry
Project Option: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
Number of Pages: 128
Publish Date: Sep 05, 2012

Price £19.38. [As of 15th April 2021. Check latest price at Blurb as this changes according to the exchange rate.]

Available to order online from Blurb